Kuwait University AI & Robotics Society (KARS) is thrilled to announce this year's summer camp!
a NEW format brought you by the amazing professors of the Computer Engineering Department! 🤖💻
Q&A section:
Q: Can anyone register in this camp?
A: YES anyone can register as long as they have at least 2 of the mentioned skills above and are willing to learn new skills 🔥
Q: language?
A: Arabic & English mix
Q: Location?
A: Kuwait University -> Collage of Engineering -> KARS lab.
Q: Will there be a certificate?
A: YES, there will be an official signed certificate.
Q: Competition? 🏆
A: There will be a competition at the end, using the skills you will learn in the summer camp you will be able to participate and maybe win valuable prices 👀💰
💬 For more questions or inquiries, reach out to us on Discord!
Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed
Date Range
Jun 09, 2023 - Jul 18, 2024